Monday, September 27, 2010

Modeh Ani

          According to the sages, when we wake up each morning, God restores our soul within us so that we can live another day. Just as God revives us from sleep each morning, so will He revive us from death to the presence of His eternal light.
          The Modei Ani is one of the first prayers a Jewish child learns. ( A little boy would say "mo-deh", and a little girl would say "mo-dah".) This prayer is a prayer of thanks to God for providing another day.

  The transliteration (how to pronounce the words) of the Hebrew is:
My watercolor/calligraphy of the Modei Ani

  Mo-deh  'a-ni   le-fa-ney-kha  me-lekh 
  chai  ve-qai-yam   
  'e-mu-na-te-kha  rab-bah  be-chem-lah
   nish-ma- ti  bi  she-he-che-zar-ta.

  And, the English translation is:

 I thank you, living and eternal King,
 for returning my soul within me in compassion,     great is Your  faithfulness.

Shalom Y'all - Twyla