Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am Too Old to Have an Infant in the House!

CassPurr - "Mr. Innocent"
     Okay. Y'all have heard me talk about my cat, CassPurr.  I adopted "Cassie" from the Humane Society, so I don't really know his history.  Until Spring, CassPurr stayed in the house exclusively.  Since he had been declawed prior to the adoption, I assumed he had always been an indoor cat.  But, come warm weather, I guess he got "Spring fever".  He kept sneaking out, only to get beat up by some unidentified cat.  He would come back in for a few days, heal up, and go back out for more.
     Then, one day, CassPurr began winning the battles.  He was no longer getting hurt;  instead, he was beating up the other cats - even without claws!  One day, we watched a big grey tom cat enter the front yard.  When CassPurr saw the cat, he puffed
up like a porcupine and ran lafter that cat like greased lightning.  CassPurr is a big cat, anyhow ;  he weighs about 25 pounds- so, when he is "puffed up for battle", his appearance is formidable.  I don't blame the other cats for running for cover...
     Anyhow, Cassie has been king of the outdoors all Spring and Summer.  Although he's a white cat, he has shown up with various shades of yellow, grey, and brown fur the past several months. One time Moshe gave CassPurr a bath.  Cassie tolerated it pretty well, but immediately went outside and rolled in the dirt. All Summer he literally would not set foot in the house, preferring to sleep out in the bushes,  under the house, or aroung the shed. Then. about a week ago, CassPurr asked to come in. I fed him in his old spot in the kitchen, and he has barely left the house since!
Bedtime for Cassie
    Well... last night, Cassie decided he wanted to play.   All night.   He walked on me,  pulled and chewed my hair, licked my face until it hurt, nibbled my fingers.  He talked and purred.  If I put my hands under the covers, he dug for them, wanting to be petted.  I was up at midnight, one, three, four, and six o'clock. Sheesh!  I never had to get up THAT much with my daughter when she was an infant.
           I'm so-o-o  tired today. And so it has dawned on me that God knew what He was doing when he designed  women's bodies to NOT have babies after "a certain age".  I can't imagine.  Tonight, if CassPurr doesn't behave, he is going out!  Can't do that with an infant!
Let's hope for this!

Shalom Y'all,     Twyla

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