Sunday, April 3, 2011

Canned Butter? You Betcha'!

As I mentioned a few days ago, we have been doing spring cleaning - redoing cabinets, closets, drawers, and those horrible spaces beneath the beds...  In my "travels", I ran across an item in one of the kitchen cabinets that I had all but forgotten... Canned butter.  Yes, you CAN can butter!
Many books and Internet articles have been written about the subject of "What If?"

What if we were suddenly transported back to "Little house on the Prairie" days?  What if we had to live with no electricity, no running water, no electronics?  Would this make us better people?  Or worse?  And, so many people nowadays are studying preparedness, and trying to be as prepared as possible for either short-term or long-term emergencies.

Since we live on a small farm, have a few chickens, etc., we are perhaps already more in sync with this type of living.  Even so, there are things I would certainly miss if there was suddenly nothing left in the local grocery store... Butter is one of them.
So, here is how to can butter.  The jars I ran across in my cupboard were canned about eight months ago, and are just fine... Canned butter should last about three years as long as it isn't opened.

Ingredients: *** High-quality Full-fat Salted Butter    (Low-fat butter will not work; it will separate into water and solids.   And, unsalted butter is  unsafe to can, because the salt  is what kills botulism spores.)

Preparation:  Heat jelly jars in 250 degree oven for 20 minutes.  (Do not heat rings and seals in oven.) While jars are heating, melt the butter SLOWLY, until it comes to a boil;  reduce heat, and cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

Pour the melted butter into heated jars, being very careful not to get any butter on the rim of the jars.  Add lid and ring;  close securely.  The jars will seal as they cool.  Put into the refrigerator until the butter hardens. After hardening, store in a cabinet and the butter will be good for 3 years.


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