Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stretching the Truth

Somehow the Truth of the Scriptures has gotten stretched so large it could now fiit the 8 Festivals of Baal/Bel worship (that point to the Anti-Christ Nimrod) alongside the 8 Feasts of Yahweh (that point to Yeshua the Christ)????
1. Venerable Day of the Sun (Sun-day)   Alongside God's 7th Day Sabbath?
2. Janus (January New Year's)   Alongside the 1st of Aviv?
3. Lupercalia (Valentine's Day)   Alongside Firstfruits?
4. Mourning for Tammuz (Lent)   Alongside Unleavened Bread?
5. Ishtar (Easter)   Alongside Passover?
6. Bel-tane (May Day)   Alongside Pentecost?
7. Samhain Baal (Halloween)   Alongside the Day of Atonement?
8. Yule (X-mas Eve)   Alongside the Feast of Trumpets?
9. Saturnalia (X-mas)   Alongside the Feast of Tabernacles?

And bits of every Religion.
A. Protestantism is merely the Rebellious Child of Roman Catholicism.  From the Greek "Katholic" meaning "Universal, Worldly, A Mixture of Everything."
B. This is the exact opposite of the Hebrew "Kaddosh" which means "Holy, Set Apart for ONE Person, Standing Alone, Peculiar".
C. Church comes from the German "Kirche", a pagan altar (Asherah Grove or high place) on which Cathedrals were later built with the local "gods/demons/idols" renamed as local saints with the same statues preserved.
D. Congregation comes from the Greek Ekklesia and Hebrew Kehelet, "A group of people assembled and set apart for one purpose."

The Truth may be large, but it is NOT large enough to fit both Yahweh's Service and Baal's Service, Yahweh's Holy Days and Wiccan Holly Days,  The True Messiah Yeshua and the Anti-Messiah Nimrod,  Yahweh's Congregation and Baal's Kirche (High Places)
has more information

2nd Corinthians 6:14 "What fellowship can Christ have with Bel-ial?"

SHALOM    Y'ALL - Twyla

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