Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chicken Run!

some neighbor's chickens
 Last night Moshe and I watched "Chicken Run".  He had seen it before, but I hadn't.  Goodness, did we ever laugh! (Or, should I say "cackle"?)   One of the silly lines was a comment from a rooster, saying that a particular hen was "poultry in motion".  And, of course, that reminded me that I haven't blogged jokes for a while.

      #1: Q: What is a chicken's ghost called?   A: A poultry geist

     #2: Q: What do you call a movie about poultry?  A: A chick flick

more  neighbor's chickens

     #3: Q: Who was the world's fiercest chicken?  A: Attila the Hen

     #4: Q: How do poultry farmers seal a business deal?  A: With a warm hen shake

     #5: Q: Name three poultry games.  A: Quack-Gammon, Crow-Quet, and Chinese Chickers

     #6: Q: What do you call a chicken who wears a bell on her necklace:  Q: An alarm cluck

     #7: Q" What do chickens serve at birthday parties?  A: Coop-cakes

Moshe's comment: "Do these feathers make my butt look big?"
     #8: Q: Which day of the week do chickens hate?  A: Fry-Day

     #9: Q: How do chickens bake a cake?  A:  From scratch

    #10: Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?  A: To show the possum that it CAN be done!

    #11: Q: Why did the chicken cross the playground?  A: To get to the other slide.

    #12:  Q: Why did the turkey cross the road?  A: To prove he wasn't chicken.

    #13: Q: Why didn't the chicken skeleton cross the road?  A: He didn't have the guts.

    #14:  Q: Why did the chicken cross the basketball court?  A: He heard the referee calling fowls.
               Okay, okay...  Enough with the groaning...  You  KNOW you laughed at some of them!

                          Shalom Y'all - Twyla

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