Saturday, November 6, 2010

"Let Go and Let God"

 Sometimes it is time to let go.  It might be something small such as donating a favorite old sweater to charity.  Or, it might be something as big as ending a relationship.  Or moving to a new town. Sometimes it is simply time to let go.
     Once there was a man walking up a mountain in the cold.  The sun and the wind saw him and decided to make a wager as to who could get him to remove his jacket.  They each would have an hour to try. The wind tried  first; it blew and blew and blew.  The harder the wind blew, the tighter and closer the man held his jacket to him as he walked up the mountain in the cold. Then, it was the sun's turn.  The sun began to shine gently; then increased its' rays on a gradual basis until it was fully shining.  Within half the alotted time, the man had removed his jacket,  rolled up his shirtsleeves, and wiped his brow.  And so it is... the gentle rays of kindness will always get more accomplished than a blustery wind.
     I have often noticed, when holding cats, chickens and squiggly young'uns that they  have a certain tension in their little bodies when they want to get away.  When they want to be held, their muscles are relaxed, but when they are ready to get down, there's not much  you can do to change it.  And, so it is with people and relationships;  when a friendship ends or changes, the only graceful maneuver is to let go.
     One of the mottos frequently used by AA and Al-Anon is: "Let go and let God."  That's it.  We, for all our bravado and outward bluster, are helpless.  The only One with real power is Father God. And, He is such a Gentleman; we have to let go before He will show us all that He has stored up for us.
     Here is a little exercise in self-imagery...  See yourself walking up to a bunch of balloons on a stand.  Take one balloon; you can select your favorite color if you like.  Walk away with the balloon in your hand and stand alone looking skywards.  In your mind write the name of the person, habit, substance... whatever... on the balloon.  Now, when you are ready, release the balloon to the sky.  Watch it float upwards until it disappears.
     Let go and let God.
                Shalom y'all - Twyla

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