Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Twyla's Pear Delight

     A couple days ago I said I was going to prep, cook, and can the pears we bought last Friday.   Well, I did just that - right on schedule, too.  But, I never followed up with the recipe as promised. So, here it is:

Pear Delight on Moshe's homemade bread!
                 Twyla's Pear Delight
         (named by my hubby, Moshe)
                  7 pounds fresh pears
                  1 Orange
                  2 Cups Raisins
                  1 Cup Goji Berries
                  6 Cups sugar
              1 and1/2Tablespoons each:   Cinnamon,       
 Nutmeg, Cloves,  and Allspice
                   1 and 1/2 teaspoons Ginger
                   1 Cup Vinegar

     Preheat oven to 200 or 250 degrees;  place jars in oven to heat while making the pear mixture.  (This is THE  BEST  WAY to have your jars nice and hot for canning!)  Also, start heating your water  in your canner so that it is ready for water-bath canning when you need it.
     Wash pears. Cut into quarters and remove cores and any bad spots. Cut orange into quarters. Process all of this in food processor; place in large cooking pot.  Add all remaining ingredients.  Cook on medium heat, allow to come to boil, then simmer for forty minutes.
      Fill hot jars with boiling pear mixture; apply lids; and, process in boiling water bath for 25 minutes.
      Makes  approx. 8 pints.
Close-up of Fabulous bread w Pear Delight

           Y'all -

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